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Google is constantly improving on their ability to detect and identify blackhat SEO techniques. After Google released their Panda and Penguin updates, sites that used blackhat techniques that worked in the past were penalized severely, some were even de-indexed. The Penguin and Panda updates were designed to target exact match domains, small niche sites, anchor text variation and spun content.
In order to create a successful campaign today, you will have to take additional precautions that you otherwise would have been able to get away with before. When creating a backlink campaign, your aim should be to show Google that your content is of high quality and your backlinking profile looks natural. In this article, we will go over a backlinking strategy that Google will love.
This strategy will require a large amount of unique, human written content. The plan is to manually create Web 2.0 sites and post on high PR blog networks. We will also be creating social signals and making a solid second tier of backlinks which will give your 1st tier links extra juice.
The first thing we will do is write or order the content. To start, get five 500-800 word articles and ten short descriptions.
You are going to use three of the articles to create three Web 2.0 blogs. The other two will be used on the high PR private blog network posts. Use the short descriptions to make ten high PR social bookmarks which point to your main site.
Repeat these steps several times until you have a large collection of Web 2.0 sites, high PR blog posts and high PR social bookmarks. As you create the blogs, add some unique flair to each one. Change the background, add some pictures, do anything that a normal person would do to mimic a natural blog.
You will want to add roughly 5 articles to each Web 2.0 blog over the course of a month. This means you will have to order additional articles which can get pricey so make sure you have the funds to fund this project ($200-$400 budget). As you post each article, place a link to your site on them.
Send 30% of the backlinks to your homepage and point the rest towards your inner pages. Vary the anchor text as much as possible. Use your main keyword between 10%-20% of the time. Use long tail and LSI keywords between 40%-50% and random anchor text (here/click/this ect…) for the remainder of the backlinks.
Once you add your 5 articles throughout the month, continue to add at least 1 article per month to each Web 2.0 so that Google will see that it is an active site.
Through the first month, it is important that you only use original and unique content in the beginning of this strategy. Later on, you can incorporate highly spun content throughout your blogs but only if used sparingly. Try to post 3-4 unique articles per 1 spun article.
As you make your way through this strategy, you should also create social signals. Write more short descriptions and post them on other social bookmarking sites. You can spin these descriptions and use them for your second tier of backlinks later on.
You will also want to create more variety in your backlinking profile. Convert some of your content into PDFs and submit them to document sharing sites. Create slideshow videos and submit them to video sharing sites. Create infographics and submit them to image sharing sites. Leave backlinks on all of these that point to your main site and its inner pages.
This next step is the simplest since it does not require any content. Add a variety of social signals to your main site. Create Facebook likes, Google+’s, tweets and retweets and Pintrest pins. Time them so that they coincide with the posting of your content to mimic a natural viral effect. When you make a new post on your main site, there should be a minor spike in social signals.
When you complete all of the above steps, you can send a second tier of backlinks to the first tier. Make forum posts, wikis, bookmaks and blog comments and point them to your Web 2.0's, videos, infographs, documents and high PR blog posts.
If you have a new site, you should complete this strategy in 2 months. If you have an older site, you can speed up the process to 2-3 weeks. The key is unique content and high quality backlinks. As long as you do that, Google will love your site and you will remain safe from the Panda and Penguin updates.
backlinking strategy - wikipedia